abcde does not read CD-Text

While ripping CDs, I noticed that abcde did not use CD-Text that was available on the CD - but that is important if the information is missing from Musicbrainz.

I found a bug report that suggested to install the icedax package that brings a fixed cdda2wav binary.

abcde.conf must also be modified to fall back to cdtext instead of using musicbrainz as only source:


Now I also know what to do when I manually want to read cd-text on the linux command line:

$ cdda2wav -J -v titles -D /dev/sr0
Type: ROM, Vendor 'ATAPI   ' Model 'iHAS524   A     ' Revision 'BL2J' MMC+CDDA
569344 bytes buffer memory requested, 4 buffers, 55 sectors
#icedax version 1.1.11, real time sched., soundcard, libparanoia support
CDINDEX discid: TbQEPRnVPidhqKSD.48c1zlPxVY-
CDDB discid: 0xfe104621
CD-Text: detected
CD-Extra: not detected
Album title: '04: Leben der Ritter / Mächtige Burgen' [from  ]
Track  1: 'Thema 1: Ritter'
Track  2: 'Thema 1: Was sind Ritter?'
Track  3: 'Thema 1: Das Training der Ritter'
Track  4: 'Thema 1: Was ist ein sogenanntes Gestech?'
Track  5: 'Thema 1: Die Ausbildung zu einem Ritter'
Track  6: 'Thema 1: Lernen von Manieren und Umgangformen'
Track  7: 'Thema 1: Die Nachricht vom Boten'
Track  8: 'Thema 1: Der Ritterschlag '
Track  9: 'Thema 1: Aus was besteht die Rüstung?'
Track 10: 'Thema 1: Wann lebten die Ritter?'
Track 11: 'Thema 1: Aussterben der Ritter'
Track 12: 'Thema 1: Große Feste '
Track 13: 'Thema 2: Burgen'
Track 14: 'Thema 2: Was ist eine Burg?'
Track 15: 'Thema 2: Wann gab es die ersten Burgen?'
Track 16: 'Thema 2: Alles aus Stein'
Track 17: 'Thema 2: Der Bau einer Burg'
Track 18: 'Thema 2: Wie lang dauerte der Bau einer Burg?'
Track 19: 'Thema 2: Die Gebäude einer Burg'
Track 20: 'Thema 2: Wasser ist wichtig'
Track 21: 'Thema 2: Viele Krabbeltiere'
Track 22: 'Thema 2: Was passiert in den Werkstätten?'
Track 23: 'Thema 2: Der Kerker'
Track 24: 'Thema 2: Was ist der Palas?'
Track 25: 'Thema 2: Die Fenster'
Track 26: 'Thema 2: Das Spielzeug in der Ritterzeit'
Track 27: 'Thema 2: Was gab es zum Essen?'
Track 28: 'Thema 2: Mit den Fingern essen'
Track 29: 'Thema 2: Die Wachen in der Burg'
Track 30: 'Thema 2: Angriff'
Track 31: 'Thema 2: Viele verschiedene Angriffsmöglichkeiten'
Track 32: 'Thema 2: Was ist der Bergfried?'
Track 33: 'Thema 2: Das Ende der Ritterzeit'

Written by Christian Weiske.

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