HTML video: Subtitle CORS error

One of our customers at work uses a TYPO3 CMS to manage the website's content, and files are stored on a S3-compatible MinIO server running on a files. subdomain. Uploading and using a .vtt subtitle file for a .mp4 video did not work - the video played, but the subtitles were not available.

Firefox showed the following (German) error:

Quellübergreifende (Cross-Origin) Anfrage blockiert: Die Gleiche-Quelle-Regel verbietet das Lesen der externen Ressource auf (Grund: CORS-Anfrage schlug fehl). Statuscode: (null).

In the network tab it showed Not same-origin.

Chromium's error message in English:

Unsafe attempt to load URL from frame with URL Domains, protocols and ports must match.


At first I thought the MinIO server did not send CORS headers, but it automatically sets them already:

Your application has a bug - we support CORS by default on all requests. On the browser or your client you need to set the valid Origin: HTTP header

CORS headers were a red herring.

crossorigin attribute

It turned out that the HTML <video> tag has a crossorigin attribute. Setting it to anonymous fixed the issue and subtitles were loaded:

<video controls="controls" no-cookie="" crossorigin="anonymous">
  <source src="" type="video/mp4"/>
  <track label="Deutsch" kind="subtitles" srclang="de" src=""/>

Written by Christian Weiske.

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