At work, we've been looking for a pastebin application with a special feature set:
- Self-hosted, so we can paste code and data without having to care about sensitive customer data becoming public accidentially
- written in PHP, since we're a PHP shop
- editability so other people can do fixes for us
- title support for pastes so we can find it later
- navigation among pastes so we don't have to remember the number later
- search because navigation doesn't help with 1k+ pastes
We did not find anything suitable after researching for some days. Since I needed a new spare time project, I began working on phorkie.
After working on it for a month, I've just released the first version 0.1.0 and you're welcome to try it.
phorkie is a self-hosted pastebin software written in PHP. Pastes are editable, may have multiple files and are stored in git repositories.
It turned out to be a clone of github's gist tool, but with less features - for now.
- Every paste is a git repository
- Repositories can be cloned
- Clone url can be displayed
- Multiple files in one paste
- Pastes can be edited
- Add and delete files
- Replace file with upload
- History in sidebar
- Easy access to old revisions
- Syntax highlighting with GeSHi
- rST rendering with rst2html (python docutils).
- image upload and display
- external tool support (xmllint, php syntax check)
Missing tools
For the history/log display, I wanted to display the timestamps in a human readable manner, e.g. "5 minutes ago" instead of 2012-04-18 22:36.
Looking for existing libraries, I found plenty for Python and Javascript, but not a single one for PHP. After asking on stackoverflow without getting a usable answer, I wrote my own and proposed it to PEAR: Date_HumanDiff.
Also see the wiki.
The code is in a git repository but also mirrored on github for your convenience.