Spammers are using Wordpress installations with open registration to send spam e-mails to uninvolved users.
The mails are sent via the "Register" function that is linked on the Wordpress login page wp-login.php. The registration form has two fields: "Username" and "Email".
The username allows spaces, and this is where the spammers input a domain name and a promotional text. The domain name gets auto-linked by e-mail clients, making it easy for users to go to the spammer's site.
Such a spammy Wordpress registration e-mail looks like this:
Username: - 1.2342 BTC To set your password, visit the following address:
Everything after the Username: in that line is provided by the spammer.
Two things should be fixed here by Wordpress:
- Reject usernames with spaces
- Reject usernames that have "www." in them, because that causes the e-mail clients to autolink the URL
Let's see what the Wordpress developers say to my ticket.
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