Das ist das Tagebuch von Christian Weiske mit bigsuck-getaggten Einträgen.

 Name                                           Created           Bytes
 Signing a PDF with an image on Linux in 2024   2024-06-03 22:01   5105
 Screen time passcode reset without Apple ID    2024-05-03 19:15   2667
 BIC media advertisements bloat ebooks          2024-04-24 20:50   9450
 LVB: Haltestellendurchsagewerbung #2           2024-04-24 20:30   2407
 1blu IPv6 status 2024                          2024-03-05 17:45   1665
 Windows 8.1 in VirtualBox: Automatic Repair failed 
                                                2024-02-05 11:03   2060
 Blackview BV4900S                              2023-10-22 16:51   8519
 Upgrading LineageOS 16 to 20                   2023-10-17 22:31   5634
 Vaillant sensoNET VR921: Internetverbindung    2023-06-23 18:09   2233
 GameStick: Black screen after OOBE             2023-06-19 16:42  19486
 1blu IPv6 status 2023                          2023-01-26 21:17   1534
 Shelly devices are not Open Source             2021-12-15 20:22   1970
 LVB: Werbung in Haltestellendurchsage          2021-11-18 21:35   1843
 Firefox: Sponsored links in address bar        2021-02-22 20:49   2545
 Google Forms spam                              2021-01-03 10:49   1441
 Gigablue UHD UE 4K und HD+                     2020-12-14 23:03   6312
 Prosody: Block messages from external users    2020-09-21 22:01   2530
 Square Enix' red herring                       2020-02-26 15:03  15092
 Tschüß, Schlüsseldiskette                      2019-09-17 20:48   6039
 Error playing CSS protected DVDs               2019-08-06 15:58   1620
 Installing LineageOS on Xiaomi MI8             2019-06-18 21:21  10304
 Google removed headphoneindicator from the play store 
                                                2018-12-17 17:35   5724
 Telekom vs. Deutsche Glasfaser in Trebsen      2018-11-16 23:57   5108
 Code of Conduct and the IndieWebCamp Nürnberg 2018 
                                                2018-10-16 20:35   8891
 Slack's XMPP fails                             2018-03-16 22:05   7308
 Firefox fails: Responsive design mode          2018-03-05 22:11   5221
 Holiday on Ice: Atlantis                       2018-01-03 17:25   1939
 cweiske.de sent spam #2                        2017-11-14 21:52   2366
 Auf Nimmerwiedersehen, computeruniverse.net    2017-08-29 15:06   3467
 Small malware                                  2017-08-13 21:41   1269
 Open Source vs. vacation                       2017-06-28 22:58   2199
 Ich will es brennen sehen                      2017-04-18 22:02   1834
 AIRTAME: Broken promise of "open source"       2017-04-08 14:40   8590
 Debugging TYPO3 crawler, or: The tale of many "why?" 
                                                2017-03-29 14:54   2997
 MusicPal: Fail #3                              2017-02-15 08:33   2672
 Spammers ruin everything                       2016-11-07 22:20   2016
 cweiske.de sent spam mails                     2016-11-02 05:29   5276
 sicher24.de: Ihr Un-Sicherheitsprofi           2016-10-17 20:30   4468
 Gtk3 changed scrollbar click behavior          2016-06-14 21:29   7218
 "Ihre elektronischen Dokumente"                2016-05-11 20:00   2129
 Android error: RPC:S-7:AEC-7                   2016-04-08 00:43   1569
 Unsupported: 406 Not Acceptable                2016-02-10 21:00   3094
 Noxon iRadio: Unbenutzbar für Podcasts         2016-01-28 20:54   4508
 Gimp: Remove watermark lines from images       2016-01-08 20:53   8249
 PEAR server fully restored                     2015-12-12 13:32   9109
 Werbepausen                                    2015-11-20 22:39   6668
 Playing Tomb Raider 1 on OUYA                  2015-09-09 17:08  16400
 Dreambox 7080 defekt                           2014-12-03 07:31   2997
 Apache: Unable to open logs                    2014-05-27 21:03   2268
 Ubuntu: Activate network on wakup              2014-05-13 22:15   1573
 Diesel eBooks is closing                       2014-03-30 12:33   1966
 219 days for one line of code                  2014-02-12 06:58   1778
 Problems with closed source: Nokia N900        2014-01-06 20:45   3858
 Probleme mit Closed Source: Dreambox           2013-12-06 18:50  10390
 betourt GPS CityCache Teamevent                2013-10-29 14:05   4304
 Patriot Tab 16GB                               2013-10-29 09:33   2158
 OUYA: Marketplace terms of use                 2013-10-09 21:47   7707
 Using Debian packages on Ubuntu                2013-05-15 19:10   2982
 Your OpenID credentials could not be verified  2012-11-06 20:26   5200
 Linux on Macbook: Black screen on boot         2012-07-29 19:38   3080
 Avoid OpenShot                                 2011-12-01 18:51  13398
 Installing Ubuntu on a Macbook Air             2011-10-14 20:23  10611
 AVM-Router / GPL / Cybits                      2011-06-26 08:39   8145
 Where is your framework when I need it?        2011-06-17 12:52   5501
 LDAP: Using EvolutionPerson entries in Thunderbird 
                                                2011-06-14 21:20   3316
 RDF validation with Eyeball                    2011-04-28 22:44   2872
 TYPO3 4.4: Blank frontend pages after installation 
                                                2011-01-03 21:52   1893
 Freeing Philips DVP3360                        2010-03-31 19:51   1417
 Zeitschleife                                   2010-03-07 09:05   1599
 HP Printer manual feeding                      2010-03-01 16:24   1648
 RRLP in current mobile phones                  2009-10-19 10:45   2388
 IMAP with Exchange                             2009-06-03 19:05   2624
 LDAP addressbook                               2007-01-23 14:41   7198

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