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So, somethings about me...

My name is Christian Weiske, 99 years old, and I'm from Leipzig/Saxony/Germany. From 2002 until 2007 I studied information technologies at the University of Leipzig, wrote my diploma thesis and may call myself a "Diplom-Informatiker" since then.

My main programming language is PHP, but I get along in Java and C, too.

I work as PHP developer at Mogic in Leipzig. Previously I've been head of development (CTO) at netresearch.

In my spare time I'm leading and maintaining a number of open source projects, most notably SemanticScuttle, phorkie and PEAR.
Have a look at my blog and git server as well as my profiles at PEAR, github, OpenHub (formerly, Stackoverflow and Stackoverflow carreers.

If you want to contact me, see the details on the feedback page or send a postcard to

Christian Weiske
Dorfstraße 13
04808 Wurzen OT Streuben
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